"Bended Loyalty"

by Kat Caldwell

When the spotlight dims, the real battles begin.
A battle to save his mother's house turns into a battle to save himself.
# Action
# Contemporary
# Coming of Age
# Small Town
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For Tristen Levisay, guitarist of The Seethers, life is finally coming together. The band is on the brink of stardom, and soon he'll be a rock star instead of the poor, small-town boy from Kentucky. But when his twin brother Talon, the band's frontman, abruptly leaves to join another band, Tristen's life quickly falls apart. Forced to start again, Tristen returns home where he discovers his former addict mother is on the verge of losing her house. To save her, and himself, he returns to his old life of underground boxing. Just a few fights to save some money, and then he’s out. But returning home inevitably means revisiting old family secrets and memories. Soon Tristen finds himself fighting both in and out of the ring to salvage his family and reclaim his future. BENDED LOYALTY is a powerful story of betrayal, resilience, and the mendable bonds of family. As Tristen navigates the shadows of the boxing world, he learns the age-old adage that true loyalty comes with a price. Will he find the strength to forge a new path, or will the weight of his brother's betrayal knock him down for good?